Digital learning factories

What is digital learning factory?


Digital learning factoriesDigital learning factory is a digital twin with learning environment in which processes and technologies are based on a real manufacturing plant, allowing a direct approach to the process of creating a product.


What is digital learning factory used for?


  1. Education: With digital learning factory it is possible to tech students all aspect of work with production facilities – how to use equipment, how to program it, what methods can be used to optimize processes and etc. You can create any learning path, including individual one for each student.
  2. Testing: Within digital learning factory you can also test if students have learned the material.
  3. R&D: Digital learning factory can be also used to conduct various R&Ds, for example, on technology improvement.


What benefits you can gain from digital learning factory?


  1. Flexible and adaptable to the evolving skills and learning needs of engineering industries educational programs
  2. No expensive industrial equipment is needed
  3. Within the training module, practical experience alternates with theoretical learning.


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